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5 Tips for Transfer Students

Man walking down an empty hallway with a box

Did you know that about 1/3 of students will transfer schools before earning a degree? That’s a lot of people! And when it comes to transferring colleges, it’s vital to be prepared. And it takes more than just submitting some paperwork! Wondering what it takes to have a successful transfer? Here are 5 tips from the Collegeboxes experts:

Girl standing in a college courtyard

1. Find the Best School for You 

It’s important to make sure that the school you move to is a better fit for you. If you are considering transferring schools, make sure to do plenty of research beforehand.

Check out the academic programs, extracurricular activities, and other potential factors that could sway your opinion on where to go. 

Why Do Students Transfer Colleges? 

For the most part, students choose to transfer schools because they are unhappy, homesick, or that they found a better academic program somewhere else. Another common occurrence is when students switch from community college to larger universities.

Is Transferring Schools the Best Choice for You?

Sometimes it can be hard to tell if you should try and make the best of your current situation or move on to somewhere new. Trying to decide if it’s time to make the switch? Then check out this article!

2. Ensure Your Credits Transfer 

Possibly the most important part of any college transfer is that your completed credits transfer with you. Different schools have different curriculums and academic standards, so you can’t just assume you can just switch schools and pick up where you left off. 

If you’re hoping to transfer to a specific school, reach out to their administrative team and ask about their transferable credits. In the meantime, try to work with your current academic advisor to assemble official credits and transcripts. 

Once you know which school you’re transferring to, work with your new academic advisor to ensure that you’ll have a seamless transition to your new school. 

Girl sitting on a stack of boxes

3. Make a Plan 

So, once you figure out where you’re transferring to, it’s time to figure out the logistics of moving there! Depending on where you’re transferring to, you may need to organize a way to move your belongings long distances. Sure, you can fill your car to the absolute limit and drive a thousand miles, but that can be a total hassle. 

Why not just make it easy? When it comes to moving with Collegeboxes, we do all the heavy lifting! All you do is pack up your stuff, and we pick it up. From there, we can store everything for as long as you need, or have it delivered right to your new address (or right to your dorm room). 

4. Start Making Connections 

Starting fresh in a new environment can be challenging, especially if you don’t know anyone. One of the best ways to help make yourself feel at home is by getting out there and making some friends!  

Consider joining a club or two once you make it to your new campus. The great part about clubs is that you can jump in at any time, even in the middle of the year. If clubs aren’t really your style, try to join a study group or chat to a few people in class.

The Fasttrack to Making Friends: Dorming

If you want to make friends without so much effort, consider living in the dorms! When you live in the same place as other students, you’ll have more opportunities to hangout and bond. 

5. Get Familiar with Your New Home 

To become acclimated to your new campus and surrounding area, it will be helpful to take a visit to your new campus and surrounding town. Make your research fun and start by looking for things that you’d like to do around your new school.  

It’s also a good idea to look into where your local grocery store and shopping centers are so that you won’t feel lost. On top of this, try to take an afternoon to walk around your new campus and find your classes for the upcoming semester. 

Girl stacking boxes into the back of a moving van

Make the Transition Easier with Collegeboxes 

Needless to say, there’s a lot to keep track of when it comes to transferring schools. But the good news is, you never have to move alone thanks to Collegeboxes. Whether you need to store a few things short term, or you want everything waiting in your dorm when you get there, we can make it happen

Don’t get caught up in the tiny details, let Collegeboxes share the load. When you’re ready to get moving, you know who to call.

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