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7 Tips on How to Get an On-Campus Job

Tips to Help You Succeed and Secure an On-Campus Job

Most universities have a large staff and employ thousands of people and many campuses employ college students as well. On-campus jobs are great opportunities to do that and can enhance your college experience in several ways. They can allow you to refine old skills, learn new skills, get involved, and best of all, get paid!

Here at Collegeboxes, we want to give students all the tools you need to move, but we also want to give you the toolset to get the most out of college. To highlight the value of on-campus jobs, we have outlined a few benefits to having an on-campus job, and some tips to get a job on campus.

1. Start early

Begin applying or at least looking at different on-campus opportunities early, ideally before or at the beginning of the semester. Applying early will make you stand out from other candidates and show the hiring manager that you are interested in the job.

2. Talk to your professors

Professors are not only good resources for academics but in several other ways as well. Many professors may know of job opportunities, internships, or may even need an assistant. Either way, a professor can help you find a job by jumpstarting the process or pointing you in the right direction.

3. Make sure your resume is tailored toward the position

Many on-campus opportunities will be customer service-based, but whatever the case may be, tailor your resume toward the job. Put any related experience on your resume; this could be past coursework, a club, hobbies, and, of course, any previous related work experience. Professors and your university’s career center are excellent resources to use to strengthen your resume and cover letter.

4. Reach out to the hiring manager via email

Several application inboxes can be overwhelming, so some hiring managers ignore or miss applications. A way to avoid this, and most likely get a response back, is to email the hiring manager directly with an attached resume. Many times, the job posting will provide the email of the hiring manager, or you can find it on the university website. Emailing the hiring manager will show you have initiative and enthusiasm about the position as well.

5. Be honest about your schedule

Be realistic about the time you can commit to a job. Time management is key; overcommitting yourself may lead to poor performance in school or the job. Look at the job hours, is it part-time or full-time? Ensure the amount of hours can fit into your weekly schedule. Keeping yourself honest can save you a lot of headaches in the future. Having a balanced schedule will make the job and school much more enjoyable.

6. Reach out to seniors

One of the best ways to find campus employment opportunities is by reaching out to current seniors with an on-campus position. When graduation comes there will be several open positions and managers will be eagerly looking for replacements. 

7. Practice interviewing 

Many on-campus interviews are basic, meaning a lot of them ask general interview questions, and many universities have example questions posted on their website. This allows you to prepare for the interview and polish your answers so that you put your best foot forward.

Benefits of Jobs on Campus 


Like most jobs, the best part about working on campus is that you get paid! Having your own income gives you the freedom to spend your money however you’d like. For example, it could be used to get away from the dining hall food and treat yourself to a nice dinner, instead! Or you can begin to save that money for future purchases or investments. Either way, having an income in college can make a huge difference in your college experience. 


One of the best parts of having an on-campus job is the commute. More often than not, on-campus jobs are just a short walk from your dorm or apartment. This makes it easy to always be on time and fit it into your routine. 


A unique part of on-campus jobs is that your schedule can be pretty flexible, especially with class schedules. Hiring managers understand that you are a full-time student and will accommodate your schedule needs, making it easy to fit the job into your routine and never miss a class. 

Get Experience

On-campus jobs allow you to gain real-world work experience before you graduate. They also can provide several learning experiences to prepare you for a future job or career. You can get a head start on other students and stand out to employers as you already have skills and experience. It also shows future employers that you are reliable and can handle multiple responsibilities. 

Work with Fellow Students

Working on campus means that you will most likely be working with other students. This is a great opportunity to get to know some of your classmates and a chance to make meaningful connections. 

With opportunities to earn an income, meet new people, and gain experience, having an on-campus job can change your student life. Remember to start early, reach out to your network, update your resume, and practice. With the right approach, you will not only find the right job that fits your needs but also a job you enjoy. 

Collegeboxes can help you start on those applications early making the process of packing and moving to college a breeze. With our Ship to School service, you can pack all your items at home and then have them shipped straight to your dorm or apartment. Giving you more time to perfect your resume, practice your interview answers, and get a head start.

Just like how working on campus can enhance your college experience, Collegeboxes can enhance the moving process. Happy job hunting!