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How Much Can You Fit in One Collegebox?

Packing Dorm

Enlisting Collegeboxes to carry out campus moves and help with college dorm storage has plenty of advantages. For one, Collegeboxes conveniently ships moving boxes to your location. Simply sign up online and we will ship a Collegeboxes Supply Kit to your door. Each kit comes with five Collegeboxes, in addition to a marker, a roll of tape, zip ties and 10 label pouches to help you pack everything efficiently.

But will five boxes be enough? Although dorm rooms are usually similar in size, the contents can vary quite a bit depending on the student. To help you plan your move, we created this guide to show you how much you can fit in a single Collegebox.

How big is a Collegebox?

Each box is spaciously designed, measuring 24”x16”x18” – slightly larger than the average plastic moving tote. Many students find that five Collegeboxes are enough to facilitate most dorm room moves, but you can order boxes individually if you need more or less than what’s provided in the Supply Kit.

So, what fits?

The short answer: more than you might think! Each dorm room is going to have different items inside, so your experience will likely be different than what is shown here. But this should give you a good idea of the type of items you can pack in a Collegebox.

What fits in a one Collegebox?

  • 5 t-shirts
  • 2 pairs of jeans
  • 2 pairs of shorts
  • 1 hoodie
  • 1 winter coat
  • 1 gaming console with 2 controllers
  • 5 video games
  • 3 DVDs
  • 1 bag for pens and pencils
  • 3 notebooks/binders
  • 4 textbooks
  • 1 Bluetooth speaker
  • 2 plastic cups
  • 2 dinner plates
  • 2 bowls
  • 1 coffee mug
  • 1 coffee maker
  • 2 towels
  • 1 bed sheet
  • 1 blanket
  • 1 toothbrush
  • 1 hairbrush

Packing your Collegebox

Packing your dorm essentials in a Collegebox isn’t much different from packing a standard box for moving. First and foremost, be sure to distribute the weight evenly throughout each box and within each box (ex: avoid packing all your textbooks in a single box), and keep your load below 70 lb. Also, take the extra time to secure fragile items like framed photos, electronics and mirrors using packing paper, bubble cushion or towels and blankets to avoid damaging your items while they’re in summer storage. Check out some more Collegeboxes packing tips here.

What can’t you fit in a Collegebox?

Dorm room items like mattresses, refrigerators, bicycles and miscellaneous furniture are too large to be packed in a Collegebox. But you can still store these items with Collegeboxes’ help using a printed label. After signing up, you can print as many labels as you need and attach your labels to your large belongings using tape or a zip tie.

Dorm room moves are simple with Collegeboxes. Get more information today.